Cialis Black Definition: What Is Cialis Black?
Cialis Black is a qualitative medication for men allowing them to get rid of erectile issues fast and efficiently. This drug is distinguished by its maximal dosage of 80 mg of tadalafil. This indicates that a pill must be divided into four pieces to get the optimal daily dose of the drug. After tadalafil gets into the body, the following changes occur. Under the influence of the selective inhibitor of PDE5, blood supply to the genital organ is significantly activated. Cavernous bodies come to a relaxed state. The blood entering penis quickly fills it, so that sexual organ grows in size and comes to an erected state. Then there occurs a strong and long-lasting erection. A man is ready for a long and high-quality sexual activity. All components of the drug are cleared within 48 hours in a natural way. Please, note! The above effect is achieved only if there is a strong sexual arousal (a beautiful girl, an erotic film, etc.).
Cialis Black Benefits
The main advantages of Cialis Black are as follows:
- A reliable manufacturer (Centurion Laboratories, India) is a guarantee of the drug’s quality;
- “A weekend tablet” is a nickname of Cialis and its generics abroad. This informal name is based on the fact that it effectively helps a man to be sexually active 36 hours after one administration. Thus, a tablet makes a man sexual giant for almost two days – just for the weekend!
- The drug can be used for therapeutic treatment of erectile dysfunction. In some cases, a man completely gets rid of impotency;
- Cialis Black has a minimum of contraindications, as well as rarely occurring side-effects.
- This generic is sold at incredibly low price. The cost of 1 drug intake, if a standard dose is used, is comparable to a pack of inexpensive ice cream. Unbelievably cheap!
- Bright and unforgettable sex with a number of fantastic orgasms! This is what Cialis Black invariably brings!
- Excellent feedback from our customers. Canadian Health and Care Mall customers have already evaluated the quality and cost of this medication. And the side-effects in the reviews have not yet been revealed.
Who Can Use Cialis Black?
The drug is designed for men suffering from erectile dysfunction (impotency) in mild, moderate and severe (advanced) forms. The composition of the Black Cialis (named due the color of tablets) is 80 mg of tadalafil. The latter is a basic active ingredient of the original Cialis as well. The drug Cialis Black is designed for men of different ages and is successfully prescribed by doctors to treat patients between 18 and 70 years.

Healthy elderly patients (65 years and over) had a lower clearance of tadalafil when ingested, which was expressed in an increase in the area under the concentration-time curve by 25% compared to healthy men at the age of 19 to 45 years. This difference is not clinically significant and does not require dose adjustment. Patients with mild and moderate renal or hepatic insufficiency do not require dose adjustment either. Due to the increased exposure of tadalafil (AUC), patients with severe renal failure are not recommended to use Cialis Black. Patients suffering from diabetes mellitus who took Cialis Black had the area under the concentration-time curve less by about 19% than in healthy individuals. This difference does not require a dose adjustment.
This Is How You Take Cialis Black
The use of the drug has no difference compared to other generics of Cialis.
It should be remembered that:
- On the day of taking the drug, alcohol can be consumed only in minimum quantities (up to 100 g of vodka or cognac or a glass of wine);
- Fatty food does not have a significant effect on the effect of the drug;
- A tablet should be taken about 40 – 50 minutes before the expected sexual intercourse and drunk with water.
Cialis Black Doses: How to Choose the Correct One
The standard dosage of tadalafil for men of traditional weight is 10-20 mg. However, for some men, 10 mg (Cialis 10 mg) or even 5 mg of tadalafil (Cialis 5mg) is sufficient for treatment or one-time use. If a weight of a man is more than 100 kg, and impotency is in neglected form, then he can apply (only in accordance with doctor’s prescription) 40 mg of Tadalafil (Cialis 40mg). Cialis Black is a drug designed to divide a tablet into several parts. The use of an entire tablet for 1 time is strictly prohibited! This can lead to side-effects, rather than sexual super strength. A man should be reasonable and take care of his health!
For greater clarity, here is a list of Cialis generics with dosages available:
- Cialis 5 – tadalafil 5 mg, pills containing ¼ of the standard dose of the active substance;
- Cialis 20 – tadalafil 20 mg, pills containing standard dose of the active substance;
- Cialis Soft Tabs – tadalafil 20 mg, dissolvable pills containing standard dose of the active substance;
- Cialis Professional – tadalafil 20 mg, pills to be placed under the tongue containing standard dose of the active substance;
- Cialis 40 – tadalafil 40 mg, pills containing double dose of the active substance;
- Cialis 60 – tadalafil 60 mg, pills containing triple dose of the active substance;
- Cialis Black – tadalafil 60 mg, pills containing four-fold dose of the active substance;
- Super Cialis – 20 mg of tadalafil and 60mg of dapoxetine.
As can be seen from the list, Cialis Black is a four-fold dose of the drug.
It is obvious that you can use it only by dividing it into:
- 4 parts. Each part is separated and used separately, if a man is prescribed a standard dose (20 mg of tadalafil);
- 2 parts. If a man has a large weight (more than 100 kg) and/or a neglected stage of impotency, he may be given a dose of 40 mg of tadalafil (taken on doctor’s prescription only!).
Cialis Black Side-Effects & Adverse Events
Leading pharmacists agree that the generics of Cialis (including Cialis Black) are the safest among other analogues of well-known brands. However, in some cases, there are side-effects. There are two main reasons for this: exceeding of the optimal dosage and individual features of the body.
Among the most common side-effects there are:
- low back pain;
- headache;
- nausea, diarrhea;
- nasal congestion;
- increased heart rate;
- local redness of the eyes, skin or ears.
Side-effects are short-term and do not cause harm to health. If a man has certain health problems, administration of the generic Cialis Black should be refused.
To take Cialis Black is impossible, if at the man are found out:
- angina pectoris;
- diabetes mellitus at the stage of exacerbation;
- significant problems with cardiovascular system;
- hypersensitivity to tadalafil or another component of generic Cialis Black;
- deformation of penis;
- age younger than 18 and older than 75 years.
Cialis Black Drug Interactions to Avoid
Cialis Black is mainly metabolized with the participation of the CYP3A4 isoenzyme. The selective inhibitor of the isoenzyme CYP3A4 ketoconazole increases the exposure of a single dose of tadalafil by 312% and Cmax by 22%. Ritonavir (200 mg twice daily), the inhibitor of the СYP3A4,2C9,2S19 and 2D6, increases the exposure of a single dose of tadalafil (AUC) by 124% without changing Cmax. Although specific interactions have not been studied, it can be assumed that other HIV protease inhibitors, such as saquinavir, as well as inhibitors of the CYP3A4 isoenzyme such as erythromycin and intraconazole, increase the activity of tadalafil.
The selective inducer of the isoenzyme CYP3A4, rifampicin (600 mg a day), reduces the exposure of a single dose of tadalafil (AUC) by 88% and Cmax by 46%, relative to AUC and Cmax values for only one tadalafil. It can be assumed that the simultaneous use of other inducers of the isoenzyme CYP3A4 should also reduce the concentration of tadalafil in the plasma. Simultaneous application of the antacid (magnesium hydroxide/aluminum hydroxide) and tadalafil reduces the rate of absorption of tadalafil without changing the area under the pharmacokinetic curve for tadalafil.
An increase in the pH of the stomach as a result of the administration of blockers of H2-histamine receptors of nizatidine does not affect the pharmacokinetics of tadalafil. Safety and efficacy of the combination of tadalafil with other treatments for erectile dysfunction have not been studied, so the use of such combinations is not recommended. Tadalafil does not potentiate the increase in bleeding time caused by the intake of acetylsalicylic acid.
It is known that Cialis Black enhances the hypotensive effect of nitrates. This occurs as a result of the additive effect of nitrates and tadalafil on the metabolism of nitrogen oxide and cGMP. Therefore, the use of tadalafil against the background of taking nitrates is contraindicated. Tadalafil does not have a clinically significant effect on the clearance of drugs whose metabolism occurs with the participation of cytochrome P450. Studies have confirmed that tadalafil does not inhibit and induce isoenzymes CYP1A2, CYP3A4, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, CYP2E1. Tadalafil does not have a clinically significant effect on the pharmacokinetics of S-warfarin or R-warfarin. Tadalafil does not affect the effect of warfarin on prothrombin time. Tadalafil does not increase the duration of bleeding caused by acetylsalicylic acid. Tadalafil has systemic vasodilating properties and can enhance the effect of antihypertensive drugs aimed at lowering blood pressure.
Cialis Black Food & Alcohol Advice
It is no secret that a large number of men enjoy spending time not only with their friends, but also with the loved ones. Very often there is alcohol on the table, and there is nothing terrible about this (at least if alcohol is of high quality and is used in reasonable quantities). Many men want to make an impression on the beautiful lady in bed; and therefore, are keenly interested in what will happen when mixing Cialis Black with alcohol. Alcoholic drinks, of course, have no positive effect on the human body, but the true value of the drug lies in the fact that there are no negative consequences of its application with alcohol. This is proven by numerous clinical studies that there are no negative effects on cognitive function and blood pressure when taking Cialis Black with alcohol. This is also confirmed by positive responses from men. Nevertheless, there are also negative consequences, but this is observed when taking other medications. However, if you read the reviews, it is Cialis Black and alcohol on the background of other drugs that affect genital area, are the most harmless tandem. This is because the Cialis Black simply does not have the function of interacting with the products that remain after the breakdown of alcohol.
Cialis Black Analogs & Dupes
Official analogs of Cialis Black are:
1. Black Erectafil
Erectafil Black 60mg from the famous Indian manufacturer of the company Combitic Global Caplet Pvt. Ltd. contains a triple portion of tadalafil. So, if for a one-time potentiation of the majority of men 20 mg is sufficient, 1 tablet of this drug contains 60 mg of tadalafil. This means that the drug is indicated to consumers with severe erectile dysfunction, but a single dose should be corrected by a specialist. In a day, it is permissible to take ½ -1/3 tablets of Black Erectafil 60 mg.
Advantages of the medicine include:
- powerful effect with a minimal risk of side-effects;
- possibility of drinking alcohol in small quantities and fatty food;
- increased content of tadalafil;
- long period of validity is 36-48 hours.
Since the preparation contains the maximum possible dose of tadalafil, the standard daily dosage (20 mg) can be obtained by dividing the tablet into several parts. Customers’ reviews confirm that the majority buys a plate of Black Erectafil 60 mg with an increased concentration of the active substance in order to save money.
2. Vidalista Black 80
This is an Indian variation of a powerful brother of Black Cialis. In response to the growing consumer demand for the products of Centurion Laboratories (India), the maximum possible dose of tadalafil amounting to 80 mg is now available. Vidalista Balck 80mg is designed to be divided into four roughly equal parts for administration during a week or collective use. After separation, the rest of the tablet simply needs to be placed in a closed, opaque container until the next use, the finest container for medicines is best. It is extremely not recommended to take a pill entirely, unambiguous side-effects – headache, redness, nausea, etc. Before use, we recommend that you read the original instructions for Vidalista Black. There are no serious restrictions on taking the drug, as for the whole group of PDE5 inhibitors, except as it is strictly forbidden to combine with cardiac preparations containing nitrates.
Cialis Black 800mg Customer Questions FAQ
How does Cialis Black work?
After taking this remedy after about 15-30 minutes, penis acquires a firm erection in order to perform sexual intercourse. In addition to its direct function, Cialis Black gives sensations a natural form, that is, everything happens as if a man has returned to youth and is completely healthy. Cialis Black can be taken by men with mild impairments of kidneys and liver in an uncompensated phase, since the drug does not adversely affect these organs. The remedy is also safe for the whole organism without any undesirable effects.
How to take Cialis Black?
The remedy is intended for all types of men, regardless of the meal half an hour before sexual intercourse. After taking a pill, the effect lasts up to one and a half days, and during this time you can have as much sex as you want. However, if you are 65 years old, in order to avoid undesirable consequences, you should limit the number of sexual acts to 2 per day.
How does Cialis Black affect libido?
It is very important to understand that this drug, like all generics, is not a means that artificially increase libido. Therefore, administration of Cialis Black will be effective only if there is a sexual partner (male or female), foreplay or another means of stimulation.
How long and often can I take Cialis Black?
Cialis can be taken at will, depending on the nature and temperament of a person. However, in order not to get an overdose, it is not recommended to take the drug more than once a day.
What are Cialis Black’s contraindications to use?
Like all generics, Cialis Black cannot be taken with medicines containing nitrates or donors of nitrogen oxide. Also, be careful before using this medication is you suffer from a cardiovascular disease. Do not take Cialis Black in case you are hypersensitive to tadalafil or have allergic reactions to this drug. It is also necessary to be extremely careful in the event of congenital deformity of penis, that is, its curvature.
Can women take Cialis Black?
For the female population, special drugs have been developed that solve problems with sexual arousal, for example, Female Viagra. Cialis Black is intended solely for men.
Can I take Cialis Black if I have diabetes?
This drug is specifically designed for people who have health problems in general.
I took Cialis, but I do not feel the effect, will there be an erection?
It depends on what you do. If you are sitting at a computer or just reading a book, it’s useless to wait for signs of sexual arousal. For this, it is necessary to see and feel the natural stimulant, such as sexual partner. It is necessary to understand that the drug has a kind of “rejuvenating effect” in order to recall the fullness and the most vivid satisfaction from sexual intercourse.
Is it possible to drive a car or another vehicle while taking Cialis Black?
Yes. The drug does not affect the concentration of attention and the ability to respond quickly to what is happening.
An excellent solution for ED treatment is the purchase of generic Cialis Black at Canadian Health&Care Mall.
Its advantages include:
- The low price for Cialis Black which is achieved through optimization of expenses for the maintenance of premises and personnel for sales via the Internet.
- A variety of dosages and forms of release of Cialis’s analogues, such as Cialis Black.
- Convenience of the order – you can order generic Cialis Black from online pharmacies when it is convenient for you personally.
- Convenience of payment and delivery – you can pay for an order, as a rule, in several ways. Moreover, you can buy Cialis Black with home delivery.
- Maintaining the absolute confidentiality of the order.
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