Cialis Professional Basic Description
Cialis professional, as well as other versions of this medication, is based on tadalafil. This ingredient in a combination with additional components listed in the instruction speeds up the flow of blood in your midsection. It’s an effective erectile dysfunction medication, as well as a treatment for the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Cialis professional is not the only medication containing tadalafil. It’s also the basic ingredient of Adcirca – a popular medication for hypertension. Never take Cialis Professional together with Adcirca to stay safe from the possible side effects. Cialis is also dangerous in case if you take it together with nitrates. You’ll provoke a blood pressure drop that may lead to an extremely serious health condition that will demand emergency care.
Cialis Professional Contraindications
You are not allowed to take Cialis Professional pills in case if:
- You have hypersensitivity to the ingredients listed in the instruction;
- You already take medicine with nitrates;
- You are younger than 18 (younger age demands preliminary consultation with your physician);
- You suffer from diseases listed in the instruction;
- You have heart and blood pressure conditions;
- You already take ED treatments on a regular basis.
Cialis Professional Dosage & Effect
Cialis Professional is released in 20mg pills. You’ll have to wait for at least 30 minutes until it becomes effective. The significant feature of this medication is its long-lasting effect. You will be able to stay sexually active up to 36 hours. This feature makes Cialis Professional perfect for a weekend.

Keep in mind that you should consult your physician if you’re over 60 years old. It’s probable that you have chronic diseases and your dosage will be specific for your age.
Remember that Cialis can be purchased in another dosage if you’re willing to take it regularly.
- Long lasting effect (up to 36 hours);
- Recovery time reduction (you’ll be able to have sex more often);
- Significant penile enlargement (it happens because of the increase of the blood flow in your midsection);
- Cialis is also effective for BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia).
- Common side effects (headaches, flushing, and pains in the chest) may be disturbing, but they are temporary;
- Men over fifty may experience unpredictable loss of vision especially if they already have problems with their eyesight;
- Negatively interacts with nitrates;
- Even light kidney disorder may demand a lower dosage and thus lower effectiveness.
Cialis Profesisonal Possible Questions
Do I have to consult a pharmacist about possible side effects?
Yes. Cialis is a very strong medication, but it cannot be perfect for everyone.
Ask your medical provider whether you can take the pills in case if you suffer from:
- Heart and blood pressure issues;
- Hypertension;
- Kidney and liver health conditions;
- Bleeding issues;
- Troubles with your vision.
A pharmacist knows more about these medical issues. He will help you understand whether your condition is severe or not. It can turn out that a pharmacist will help you understand if you have a healthcare condition analyzing the symptoms you have at present.
How does Cialis Professional combine with other medicines?
Before you purchase the medication, consult the pharmacist in case if you take:
- Nitrates-based medications;
- Hypertension and blood pressure treatments;
- Alpha-blockers;
- HIV treatments;
- Antibiotics;
- Other ED medications.
How often can I take Cialis Professional?
No more than one pill a day. There’s nothing wrong if you accidentally forget to take a pill on a regular basis, but you shouldn’t take more than one pill a day. It’s highly important! You might have a specific ED condition that can be identified by your physician. In this case, you should strictly follow the doctor’s instructions. Arrange a system of notification in your phone to stay on the safe side.
Do I have to eat when I take Cialis Professional?
You can take the medication with or without food. If you take the pill for the very first time, you can do it with food to weaken the potential side effects. Do your best to take the whole pill with a significant amount of water. It is prohibited to break the pill.
At what time should I take Cialis professional?
If you take the medication on a regular basis, don’t build your schedule around your sexual activity. Take a pill every day at one and the same time. The easiest way out is to take the pill regularly in the morning after you get out of bed.
What else shouldn’t I do if I take Cialis?
- You shouldn’t take additional ED medications – the combination may be very dangerous for your heart and vision;
- You shouldn’t drink alcohol (at least, you shouldn’t drink too much – one glass of wine or a bottle of beer is acceptable).
How does Cialis combine with alcohol?
Alcohol works as an anti-depressant drug. It slows down the activity of the brain. However, it also speeds up the blood flow in your blood vessels. Cialis is a typical ED medication that stimulates the blood flow in your body and speeds up the activity of your heart. One of the most horrific side effects of this combination can be a stroke.
If your heart is strong enough, your sexual experience can be unpredictably spoiled by alcohol combined with Cialis. It’s very probable that you won’t be able to maintain your erection even if you feel sexually aroused. The problem is that alcohol weakens the effect of any medicine or even eliminates it completely.
What are the side effects?
There are common and uncommon side effects. The second ones are very rare, but they signify that you should urgently see your physician and find out whether you have more serious health conditions to beat.
Common side effects are:
- Headaches;
- Pains in your muscles and back pain;
- Stomach issues;
- Running nose.
These side effects are not dangerous and they disappear no longer than in two days. In case if they continue bothering you, you have to consult your physician.
Uncommon side effects are:
- Unusually long and painful erections – if it’s still hard for more than four hours, it means that you need emergency help;
- Vision loss – it will go away depending on the personal health condition;
- Loss of hearing – it will go away as well, but it can be combined with the feeling of dizziness and ringing in the ears;
- Allergic swelling;
- Unstable heartbeat;
- Flushing and sweating;
- Nausea, dizziness, and light-headiness.
What should I do in case if I feel bad after an overdose?
The only right thing to do is to call for the emergency. While waiting for the emergency help, don’t make sudden moves and change your sitting or lying position as slow as you can if you feel you’re going to faint.
How long does Cialis Professional stay in my blood?
The pills contain a high concentration of tadalafil for the immediate prolonged effect. The remnants of it will stay in your blood for about two days after you take the pill. If you have kidney and liver conditions, it may last even longer. Keep this in mind if you’re planning to take medicines containing nitrates – you’ll provoke a sudden drop in blood pressure.
Can I purchase Cialis Professional prescription free?
Yes, you can. Nevertheless, a pharmacist has the right to ask you about your chronic illnesses, about your problems with the heart, kidneys or liver. Cialis, as well as the other ED treatments, is not sold to anyone younger than 18. If you’re buying it online, you’ll have to answer the questionnaire before you can proceed with the order. If an online pharmacy doesn’t provide you with professional consultation services, you’d better trust your sexual health to another medical provider.
Cialis Professional Tips
- Doctors don’t recommend eating grapefruits and citruses while taking Cialis;
- Don’t try to save money and choose only a trustworthy pharmacy;
- Cialis Professional can demonstrate the poor effect in case if you lead an unhealthy lifestyle, if you smoke too much, if you experience constant stress and if you’re overweight;
Remember, that Cialis is destined to help you with the erection, but it will not occur in case if you don’t have sexual excitement. If the medication does not help, you may have a very serious underlying health condition. You’ll have to talk to your physician about it.
Disclaimer: All the recommendations on medical products bear only informational character. Before following any advice or buying medications, consultation with a doctor is a must. The texts are not for copying or sharing for a commercial purpose. You can use it only for your acknowledgment and only you are responsible for it. From our side, we reserve the right to modify or update the articles. If you found any mistake or wrong information, we are more than happy to accept your inquiries.