Men`s Sexual Health

Premature Emission of Seminal Fluid
Premature Emission of Seminal Fluid This condition is rather frequently met in men. It is quite difficult to diagnose and treat it; therefore, this disease frequently occurs under the influence of serious psychologic factors. According to research studies of the World Health Organization, premature ejaculation occurs less than in one minute after sexual intercourse. Extreme form of this disorder is ejaculation before coitus. PE therapy suggests individual approach to each patient due to the fact that the disease is exceptionally…
Natural Treatments for BPH
Men’s health can be affected by numerous factors from the lifestyle choices and harmful habits to the lack of physical activity and poor nutrition. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a common condition that affects the lives of men, but it can be treated quite successfully with the help of natural remedies. If you are interested in finding out more about this condition and how it can be treated, continue reading. What is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia? The term benign prostatic hyperplasia refers…
PSA test
There are many conditions except prostate cancer that can result in an elevated PSA.  Conditions include trauma, infection of the prostate, or an enlarged prostate. Prostate is an organ that prone to a variety of dysfunctions and diseases.  It should be noted also that many men have an elevated PSA for no particular reason whatsoever. Normal and elevated PSA. The early studies that were conducted in the eighties, considered level  4 ng/m to be a “watershed” PSA level, while everything…