Healthy Living

30 Minutes Workout That Zaps Anxiety
We all know that exercising is beneficial for our bodies. It helps us stay fit, shapes our muscles, improves overall stamina, and can even have a positive impact on our sexual life. However, there is a lot more to being active than just maintaining a good physique. Exercising can do a lot of good to our mental health, too. It is known to be helpful for people who suffer from anxiety, ADHD, depression, and several other conditions. In addition, exercising…
Maintaining one’s health requires making right choices every day and being consistent. We all know that having a balanced diet and exercising on a regular basis helps us stay healthy and feel good. In addition to the obvious methods, there are also numerous life hacks that you can implement in your life to get even better results and make sure that you are full of energy and vitality. Start your day right with lemon water Even drinking plain water first…
High Blood Pressure
Why do people experience high pressure in the morning and how to prevent it? Here’s all you should know about this health issue. Blood pressure is fluctuating throughout the day — it’s a fact. However, some people suffer from high blood pressure as soon as they wake up. This phenomenon is called “morning hypertension” and it’s very dangerous. Why does it occur, and how it can be prevented? The main causes of high blood pressure Many hypertensive patients take medications…
Dietary Supplements
One of the key concerns about plant-based diets (vegan and vegetarian) is if they supply the organism with enough vitamins and minerals. A simple answer is that with thorough planning and exact calculations it is possible to avoid the deficit or macro- and microelements and to do without supplementing. However, if the diet isn’t planned carefully enough, there is a risk to get an insufficient amount of essential nutrients. Vegetarians are prone to risks of missing out on iron and…
spring allergy
Around 10-15% of adults in North America suffer from seasonal allergies caused by pollen and mold, and the number keeps rising. Scientists are still not sure why allergies are becoming more widespread. The global climate change can have something to do with it: increased levels of carbon dioxide can help some allergy-inducing plants and molds thrive. On the other hand, our immune systems can take a beating as a result of environmental pollution. After all, spring allergy is just an…
Protecting your skin from the sun 10 tips from Canadian HealthCare Mall
The skiing season is in full swing, and your skin can easily suffer from all that mountain sun; or perhaps you have decided to escape from winter in the hot climes and are preparing for a beach trip. Wherever you are, a burnt face can easily spoil a vacation, but it is not the main issue with sunburn: excessive exposure to UV radiation is the primary cause of skin cancer. Melanoma and basal cell carcinoma have been on the rise…
Food Cravings and Emotions
Mother Nature has equipped our bodies with all necessary tools to survive. When our ancestors felt hungry, they took spears and went hunting mammoths, or gathered seasonal fruits and nuts. The technological revolution, mass production, and the invention of freezers made food available 24/7, and now you don’t have to cover several miles or wait hours or days for a deer or rabbit to get into your trap. The abundance of food has battled hunger in many parts of the…
The state of health of modern men today have improved so much that they can expect to live the most of their lives in the absence of serious diseases. One of the most common problems among men of old age is a lack of potency. Modern medicines can cope with this problem, they are designed for the treatment of men’s health. People of different nations created a large number of solutions to increase potency. Every man wants to have a…
How to Get Rid of Bad Habits and Start Living a Healthy Lifestyle
A bad habit is an action which is permanently repeated and is harmful for well-being and health of people. No matter whether you realize that you have one or not, most likely it will decrease the quality of life and lead to some unwanted consequences. Even if you understand pretty well that there is something wrong in your behavior and are brave enough to face the bad habit, it’s not that easy to get rid of it. There are many…
healthy lifestyles
Myth number 1. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water every day. This postulate of a healthy lifestyle was promulgated in 1945 for the first time. Then Nutrition Board of the US advised  to drink 8 glasses of water a day in order to stay in shape and keep your body clean and tidy. Since then, many diets include a similar recommendation, and people are of the opinion that a large amount of fluid helps to lose…