Future Trends in Pharmacy Service

One of the prominent American health care providers has recently conducted online study in eight developed countries, including the United States and Canada, and discovered that attitudes of patients to the personal health data are gradually changing. Over 75 percents of all participants in this survey have indicated that they are feeling uncomfortable and extremely receptive when information on their health status are monitored and even stored by a variety of medical devices such as different sensors installed in hospitals. Approximately 35 percent of the surveyed patients have less confidence in the results of the tests which came from the family physician and 65 percent have far more trust if tests have been administered personally. More than 60 percent of the respondents prefer to have their genetic profile as a foundation for personally prescribed health care regimen.

And one of the amazing results of this study was that over 58 percent of the participants strongly believed in the obsolescence of the hospitals and clinics in the near future. It seems – as the survey has suggested – that prevalent number of people wants to have the care outside traditional hospitals. Most respondents want to share their health information and personal data anonymously. They prefer to get care strictly personalized and also wish such a care to be based on their detailed and thorough genetic description. Moreover, more that 75 percent of the respondents would like getting medical treatment at home but not in the hospitals and the home–based care must be as default model.

The story, which one of the respondents who has wake up one evening with gastrointestinal pain he never experienced told to the interviewer, confirmed the main findings of the study – the hospitals are no longer the main medical facility for care. The respondent told that as this pain has been subsided, he was able to work a whole week. By the end of the week he again felt the pain and thought that such a pain is related to the kidney stone. The respondent decided to visit the urgent care facility of his family physician where he was diagnosed the infection of kidney and provided with prescription. Next day the physician assistant called him with request to perform an ultrasound exam as his pancreatic enzymes were raised. The ultrasound discovered gallstones in the bile duct. Before removal the gallbladder the respondent was ordered to take two more exams – a magnetic resonance and endoscopic retrograde pancreatography – at hospital outpatient department. Actually, it took three weeks from the date when respondent initially felt pain to the date when he was able to return to the work after operation. The respondent concluded that by his opinion, he had no need for a hospital to get any treatment he received as an outpatient. So, the hospitals will only be needed for care of severe injury and trauma and in situation where patient’s life will be threaten.


The results of the study and survey have given insights on the future trends, how health care system and respectively, the pharmacy may change, what forces will be producing such a change, what new opportunities will be emerged and how pharmaceutical directors and leaders should prepare yourselves and their companies to benefit and to take advantage of them.

One of the useful, valuable and helpful resources to think about the future is Pharmacy Forecast. This publication although focusing on pharmacy within the health care system may be of great assistance to any pharmacy whose directors have to make the strategic decisions on how to get their practice ready for the future. Reviewing the different sections of the publication the pharmacist will be able to compare the current and future status of company, test it against what is described in the publication as the future and eventually, to feel more comfortable and confident in making decisions.

One of the main critical ideas containing in Pharmacy Forecast is related to issues of professionalism and ethics which combined and fit together will lead to success.

The publication is emphasized that health care system and pharmacy is constantly changing industries with evolving practices, developing laws and regulations and expanding roles of pharmacists. That is why it is a must to look for trends, keep a sharp vision of the future, and avail oneself an opportunity to learn a new practice model. Although, the current job may not give opportunities to do everything you had been trained to do, however to better handle today’s practice, to make it easier and to provide some sort of sustain and support, it is necessary to hold a clear picture of the perspective.

Undoubtedly, many directors and leaders of pharmaceutical companies like and prefer stability. However, the industry is changing in every aspect and field and to stay abreast and prepare for the changes, it is necessary to find a way for using these changes as an opportunity to grow professionally and be engaged in a continuous professional development. The learning process will never be completed and it is lifelong one by the nature, starting and restarting with a new learning goals. Learning will require self–discipline and it is meant that you must take responsibility for your growth. When you are self–disciplined, you know what should be done and for what purpose you should do.

The other trend in the pharmaceutical industry is developing and evolving the teamwork and collaboration. Currently, the practice can’t be successfully performed and managed alone, without assistance of technicians, pharmacists and physicians although all these people may be the members of a virtual team. But, for getting the job done well and ensure that drug therapy is managed properly and safely, it is necessary not only to consider and assess you as a team member but to collaborate with the other practiced.

To work in silo and out of the team and colleagues is causing the loss of competiveness, prestige and reputation. All health care providers and pharmacy have to work with and get support from other practices and such collaboration will help to obtain the required status and to advance in profession. One of effective ways to develop and expand collaboration is becoming a member of a pharmacy association, volunteering for a committee, and attending meetings.

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