Why Viagra Pills Still Beat Viagra Coffee

How Can We Substitute Viagra?

Problems in sexual life occur either in men or in women. There are a lot of ways to enhance sexual desire .It is possible to boost sexual attraction by means of medications (such as Viagra, for instance), but this is not a sole variant. Viagra is a progressive invention allowing men to increase and restore the level of sexual energy. This remedy causes relaxation of unstriated muscles, enlargement of arteries and veins, and acceleration of blood circulation. Hence, steady and strong erection occurs. But Viagra’s cost is not low and sometimes it is hard to buy it. But it’s not a problem at all! Viagra analogue may be hand-made at home.

In order to have sexual desire and improve quality of sexual life for men and women, it is not obligatory to swallow pills. There are natural aphrodisiacs. Many of these products are available at home in refrigerator.

Positive impact on libido and potency is achieved by:

  • Black bitter chocolate with a lot of cacao; olive oil and bee farming products;
  • Pine nuts, peanuts, cashew, dates, bananas, strawberry, natural half-roasted coffee;
  • Celery, fennel, asparagus, onions, garlic, horse radish;
  • The strongest aphrodisiacs are shrimps, mussels, oysters, snails, caviar;
  • Such spices as cinnamon, ginger, vanilla, saffron.
  • Pollen, ginseng, aloe, artichoke flowers.

These products do not take instant effect, but if they are included in daily ration, a person will notice beneficiary results. These products may be combined for better impact in various proportions in order to get the most delicious recipes.


What about Coffee?

What associations do people generally have while thinking of romantic date? Certainly, it’s candles, wine, fruits, chocolate and coffee. Coffee is a strong and hot beverage with exciting aroma and pleasant flavor giving pleasure and preventing from sleeping. This unique alkaloid takes a strong impact on human organism. It has vasodilatory capacity and is able to make a heart work faster which results in faster nutrition of all organs with oxygen and other important substances. Besides, caffeine causes fast adrenalin rush promoting enhanced sensitivity and quick reaction capability. Caffeine has a slight narcotic effect, since it activates CNS making it react more actively on extrinsic stimulus including the representative of opposite sex. This condition results in increased sensitivity causing more sensitive perceiving of touches or stimulation means.

During medical trials, scientists have stated that coffee in the form of aphrodisiac takes different action on men and women. Men experience enhanced erection caused by blood supply to penis casing prolongation of sexual intercourse in average by ten minutes. Also, many men complaining of weakened potency report enhanced libido and restoration of erectile functioning after regular reasonable usage of natural coffee. Women also tell of coffee’s magic effect. They experience more sensitive and intensive orgasm with coffee.

It goes without saying that coffee administration should not be excessive. Daily safe dosage is three coffee cups; otherwise it will be harmful for health. There is a category of people who are resistant to coffee action. In this case, they can try other aphrodisiacs, such as vanilla, cinnamon, pepper, chocolate, etc.

Coffee instead of Viagra

Coffee is well-known as bracing beverage giving energy in the morning. But researchers have discovered its other peculiarities. According to research studies, it was stated that coffee is useful for men, since its regular usage allows preventing from erectile problems. Medical experts confirm that coffee works like other popular medications for ED and improves blood stream to sexual organs.

Texan scientists announced that black coffee can substitute such medications as Viagra. In order to prevent from sexual issues, scientists recommend men to drink two-four cups of coffee per day. Besides, this drink may help even in case of existing problems with erection, but it won’t be able to release from them completely though.

Coffee features are long studied by researches and it was shown that it helps to prevent from melanoma and diabetes. It is necessary to drink not less than four cups of coffee daily for that. This amount of caffeine allows decreasing probability of these disorders development. This research study will definitely please all coffee fans and make think those who dislike this beverage.

According to clinical trials prevents not only from skin cancer, but also improves health condition in case of diabetes and cardio-vascular diseases. Medical experts have confirmed that this effect is possible if a patients drinks four and more cups of high-quality sugar-free coffee per day within the course of a month. Also, several months ago it was discovered lovers of strong coffee live longer. People drinking four and more cups of coffee die from cancer diseases or suffer from cardiac issues and viral infections much rarer. Such results were obtained by scholars after conduction of grand-scale trial where around 100 thousand people participated. Scholars examined health condition of volunteers within the course of several years and revealed that those who had drunk several cups of coffee per day were distinguished by solid health in comparison with those who hadn’t used this beverage at all. It was discovered that three-five cups of coffee a day do not lead to health issues which are ascribed to this drink in other trials, but helps slowing down cancer cells development. But it should be mentioned that coffee may help to struggle against only several types of cancer.

Also, medical experts report that coffee-buffs commit suicide rarer which is possibly connected with the fact that coffee is energetic, mood booster making feelings brighter. Disputes of benefit and harm of coffee are of long standing. Anyway, it is better not to misuse this beverage. Better a little fire to warm us than a big one to burn us!

Viagra Coffee Is not Ready to Substitute Viagra Pills

Three years ago American Texan company Bestherbs Coffee LLC issues a new product under the name “New of Kopi Jantan Tradisional Natural Herbs Coffee”. This product would remain unnoticed for majority of customers if it were not supplied by additive boosting male potency. The substance which was added to this coffee is desmethyl carbodenafil causes similar to Viagra effect which is able to solve sexual issues of men at low cost is comparison with generally recognized Viagra. But not long ago this product was withdrawn when Food and Drug Administration analyzed the coffee contents.

This magic beverage was launched in the Texan market in summer, 2014. That time, the coffee company could not even imagine how popular these 13mg bags of coffee would become due to accidental mistake. Occasional addition of desmethyl carbodenafil in “New of Kopi Jantan Tradisional Natural Herbs Coffee” resulted in the fact that almost all sound men appeared to have sexual desire after drinking of this coffee. Some people with erectile disorders could solve them by means of this beverage.

This product was declined after two years in June, 2016 when representatives of FDA announced that it contained desmethyl carbodenafil leading to libido increase in men. In response to outrageous objections from the part of the stronger sex representatives, Administration declared that administration of this coffee is dangerous and may cause heart attacks. Therefore, those who had purchased this product were recommended getting rid of it as soon as possible in order to avoid adverse consequences.

Coffee manufacturer also announced that no complaints were made by their customers. On the contrary, they were able to solve their sexual issues by means of this magic coffee. Anyway, trials conducted have shown that consumption of “New of Kopi Jantan Tradisional Natural Herbs Coffee” often lead to decrease of blood pressure till dangerous levels. Thus, FDA blocked further production of this product.

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