Health Care News

Pregnancy Diabetes Signs Very often future mother may even not suspect of gestational diabetes, since it doesn’t show itself in mild cases. That is why it is important to undergo blood glucose test. In case of the slightest sugar increase, a doctor prescribes a more thorough examination which is called ‘oral glucose tolerance test’ or ‘a 24-hour glycaemic profile’. This method lies in not fasted measurement of sugar, but in intake of a glass of water with diluted glucose. Normal indicators of blood sugar on an empty stomach: 3.3 – 5.5 mmol/L. Pre-diabetes (impaired glucose tolerance): blood sugar on an empty stomach is more than 5.5, but less than 7.1 mmol/L. Diabetes: blood sugar on an empty stomach more than 7.1 mmol/L or more than 11.1 mmol/L after glucose intake. Since blood sugar level is diverse at different time of the day. Sometimes it may not be exposed during examination. There is one more test to check it which is called glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c). Glycosylated (i.e. connected with glucose) hemoglobin reflects the level of sugar in blood over not the present day, but the preceding ones (7-10 days). If once a time, blood sugar level is higher than norm, the test HbA1c will detect it. For this purpose, it is practiced on a wide scale in order to control the quality of diabetes therapy. Mild and severe cases of diabetes may be manifested in the following ways: Strong thirst; Frequent and opulent urination; Keen hunger; Blurred vision. Since pregnant women are often thirsty and hungry, these symptoms are not direct indication to diabetes. Only regular testing and doctor’s examination will prevent from its occurrence.
Child bearing brings variety to ration: one day you want something salty, another day – sour or sweet. How to refrain from temptation to eat a scoop of ice-cream or lollipops when you want them so badly? Let us get all this straightened out and uncover if pregnant women are allowed to eat sugar or not. It is well known that organism tries to make up for shortfall of some substances (such as calcium) by means of glucose. Dependence on…
Doctor’s Help
Asthma Overview This disease generally starts at early age. Around 50 per cent of children get rid of asthma up to adult stage in case of correct treatment. This disorder occurs due to hypersensitivity to stimuli. Asthma may be connected with genetic predisposition or environmental factors (including allergic factors or frequent respiratory infections). Episode of asthma may be caused by: Allergens: animal hair, dust, alimentary products, mites, pollen, spores; Viral and bacterial infections: bronchitis, cold, flue, sinusitis; Environmental stimuli: exhaust…
While these two neighboring countries share a whole lot of similarities and despite having key cultural differences often considered to be great buddies rather than rivalries, people inhabiting USA and Canada love to make comparisons. We want to make a comparison of our own. This analysis may be quite off, but we will try to make a couple of valid points. Expenditures Per Capita The amount of money an individual spends on health care is not the most telling statistic.…