For your convenience we have picked up the most popular questions our customers were asking us during the whole period of our operation. Please read them first and check whether there is the information you need or not. All the questions are grouped according to the topic of discussion. There are several groups of questions: ordering procedure, payment and shipping, personal data protection, generic medications, customer support and additional options. If you cannot find the information you need don’t hesitate to contact customer support team for the required information.
Quick Info Look-Up: Frequently Asked Questions
Please read the following frequently asked questions. If no information you are looking for is not found don’t hesitate to contact our customer support.
Ordering procedure
Our website presupposes several methods of information search. You can use site map or you can study the information by product categories, if needed. If you are searching for a particular medication you can use the Search field. If there several variants of one and the same drug and you don’t know which is more suitable you can apply to our support team for the assistance.
The ordering procedure is quite simple and user-friendly. You can get the required medication just with a few clicks. First of all, you should select the needed drug. After that you should stipulate the quantity and put it in the cart. Then you should select the method of payment and shipping. After you are presented with the final calculations you confirm the order and pay for it. As soon as we receive the payment we send your order. The corresponding letter is usually sent to the e-address provided during the registration.
If you want to order drugs later you can just choose the needed ones and put them into your cart without confirming. If they are still available when you decide to buy you can just fulfill the ordering procedure.
Yes, you can cancel your order only before we confirm the shipping. If the shipping is confirmed your order cannot be cancelled.

Customer Support and Additional Options
You should contact our customer support center and provide the information about the needed drug or the doctor’s prescription. Our expert will help find the required medication even if it is not available in online catalogue. Sometimes you will need to wait longer until the order is specially delivered directly from the producer. Sometimes you will be recommended substitute generic drugs which may have the same active ingredient, but may differ in origin or some auxiliary substances.
Our customer support services deals with all the questions regarding product catalogue, product quality, orders, delivery etc. If you need any assistance in finding the proper medication our experts will help you choose the most suitable drug. If you want to monitor the process of delivery you can also apply to the service. Moreover, our experts can provide a comprehensive consultation about modern methods of treatment and recommend the most appropriate one for you. Nevertheless we do not claim that online consultation can replace the regular consultation at the doctor’s. Online consultation is based only upon your description of the problems while doctor at the medical center proves his diagnosis in reliance on medical analyses and examination.
As a rule, customers of CHCM can use promo codes that provide additional discounts for the medications in the catalogue. It is very easy to use this code: you should just put it in the special field and confirm. At the stage of order confirmation the discount will be calculated from the total amount of the order.
You can subscribe to CHCM newsletter which usually contains all the updated information about new arrivals in the product catalogue, current promo campaigns and discounts and other useful information. Please note that we never send spam and all our messages contain our domain name. If you receive any unmarked messages signed by CHCM and you haven’t subscribed to our newsletter please inform our customer service providing the screenshots of the incoming message.
Yes, of course. You can be provided with the automatic refill option which means that your order is placed and confirmed automatically during the validity period of your medical prescription. Please take care of updating your personal information in case if there are any changes. It is necessary for us to correctly place and send the order for you.
According to the International Pharmaceutical Law any medicine being original or generic cannot be returned after the purchase. As we cooperate only with reliable suppliers we are confident about the quality of the products presented in our catalogue. Moreover, we highly recommend that our customers thoroughly study all the presented information about the medications and in case of any hesitations contact our customer service. Our pharmaceutical experts will help choose the right medication.
All your personal data which are needed for the registration and order payment is protected by the encryption protocol. It means that your data are available only for the authorized persons who process your orders. No one else can access or steal your personal information. We constantly improve our data protection system and monitor the latest inventions and changes in technologies in order to make our cooperation totally safe for us and for our customers.
Personal data protection is regulated by Personal Information Protections and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). As we follow the given law we should process all the incoming personal information with the SSL protocol. Thus, personal data are protected and revealed only for those who are responsible for order processing.
Payment and shipping
We accept Visa, MasterCard, eCheck and American Express. We constantly improve our services and add new payment opportunities for the convenience of our customers.
All the information (credit card details, personal data etc.) our customers provide in the process of registration and order payment is effectively protected with the help of SSL protocol we apply in our system. No one who has no authority can access or steal your personal data. You can be sure that all the transactions you are making are totally secured.
Yes, you can. As we accept payments by credit cards and via electronic systems you can transfer the needed amount as it is convenient for you. You just need to stipulate the details of your order while transferring the funds for us to correctly identify the incoming payment.
When we obtain your payment we confirm the delivery of your order. The duration usually depends upon the method you have chosen while placing the order. Express Courier, the fastest shipping method, usually delivers goods in 8 – 14 days. Regular Airmail ships orders within 21 days. In general, our customers obtain their orders within the period of 10 days. If you need more information you can contact our customer support team.
As we cooperate only with the reliable transportation and courier companies we are confident that the orders of our clients will be handled properly and there will be no losses. The effectiveness of each method depends upon your personal choices. If you need to get the order quickly you can choose fast and more expensive Express Courier delivery (8-14 days). If you can wait a little longer you can use Regular Airmail which delivers goods within 21 days and costs less.
Yes, it is possible. After the delivery of your order is confirmed you are provided with the tracking number which will help you control the process of delivery. Besides, you can always contact our customer support team and get more information.
You confirmation is very important as it gives us the information that you have successfully received your order. You should sign special documents provided by the transportation company. If there are damages of package or medication (which is the very rare case with us) you should stipulate everything in the document. If your order is insured we will be able to re-send it or to pay your money back.
You should inform us in advance about you absence. Then we will check the dates and agree upon another day of delivery. If you cannot inform us in advance we will send you the information regarding the possible ways of obtaining the order by yourself.
Sometimes orders are delayed due to the customs issues. Usually, orders are shipped within 10-14 days. If you don’t receive the order within four or more weeks you should get in touch with our customer support service and describe your problem. Our experts will check the details of your order and let you know how the problem can be solved.
Generic medications and their characteristics
In most cases generic and branded products differ in their origin and price. Sometimes generic products have slightly different colour. The most important things – pharmaceutical content and major active ingredients – remain the same. Both generic and branded products have similar medical indications, contraindications and side effects. However, generic versions of the branded products are usually rather numerous and available in the great variety of forms and dosages. For example, generic medications can be manufactured in the form of chewable tablets or soft jelly pills, with larger dosages or additional components like herbs or something else. Manufacturers of generics enlarge their production range in order to attract more customers at the highly competitive pharmaceutical market.
Generic drugs are manufactured mainly in India where there are rather favourable conditions for the pharmaceutical production. That is why there are a lot of independent pharmaceutical companies dealing with the generics production. CHCM successfully cooperates with the most reliable companies which care about the high quality of their products and their business reputation. All the products are certified and licensed for sale. Generic drugs usually have the same active ingredients as well as the same dosages and rules of taking. If you order generic drugs at our pharmacy service you can be perfectly sure that you will obtain high-quality medications at the very attractive price. To be even more confident in your choice you can talk to our pharmaceutical experts and follow their recommendations.
Online pharmacies have a lot of advantages for independent pharmaceutical producers who want to promote their products at the market. There is no need to hire large pharmaceutical and auxiliary staff, rent large warehouse areas in different countries and so on. It is enough to cooperate directly with the online pharmacy services and to supply products directly to the customers worldwide. Online pharmacies have no restrictions as far as country or region is concerned. The drugs are available to all the customers throughout the world without additional expenses on logistics.
You should buy generic medications only at reliable pharmaceutical services. As generic drugs are widely available in various online pharmacies you should study the information about the pharmaceutical shop very closely. It will help you avoid many problems in future including serious health disorders caused by low-quality or counterfeit medications. Canadian Health Care Mall values its business reputation so we are open to our customers and reveal all the necessary information. Our customer support team consists of highly professional experts in the pharmaceutical branch who can provide extended information about every product in our catalogue and consultation regarding different diseases and their treatment methods.
The production of generic medical drugs is mainly concentrated in the third world countries which are famous for their low labour and production costs. As independent pharmaceutical companies use already invented and established technologies and pharmaceutical formulas they do not need to invest much money into the new product development and launch and as a consequence to include all these expenses into the final price. That is why generic medications can be afforded by nearly all the groups of customers. With the appearance of cheap generic medications more people have obtained a chance to improve their health and conduct the healthy lifestyle.